Samuel Salcedo
Perplexed. The most absurd, cruel, funny, crude and perplexed side of human existence.
Samuels work aims to emphasize the masked nature of human beings today. The illusory condition, sometimes grotesque, often ridiculous and yet sometimes decent, of today’s human being, of the modern or postmodern citizen, more banal that fulfilled.
The sculptures portray men and women, their heads, huge, tiny, smiling or dramatic, squeezed together, crowded in a container or alone but knowing they are observed. Sometimes these sculptures that represent humans are accompanied by small objects or wear an item that instead of placing them in a particular scene, end up decontextualizing them. Information is rationed to create discomfort when faced with the difficulty of classifying the work.
He works with synthetic materials to represent the organic. Meat made of resin. Non-biodegradable plastic to explain vital impulses. We surround ourselves with things and possessions that give us a false sense of support, identity, of belonging to a particular group.
But deep within ourselves we know that we are dramatically, perhaps wonderfully alone. Alone among the crowd, in the queue of a movie theater, watching a football game or on our side of the bed.